General Privacy Policy

1. Why this privacy policy?

1.1. This is the privacy policy of Otomat. Our company details are set out in clause 3 below.

This policy applies to the processing of your data by Otomat, whether or not available via our website at

This policy is intended to provide information in a transparent way. We encourage you to read this policy carefully. You can consult this policy at any time under the heading 'Privacy Policy' on our website.

For questions or requests, please send an e-mail to

1.2. Please note that this policy does not cover the privacy policies of third parties (e.g. the ordering platforms to which you are referred through our website) or of websites or applications referred to through hyperlinks on our website. The processing of your data by Deliveroo is subject to its privacy policy ( The same applies to Uber Eats:

1.3. We may amend this privacy policy at any time. Please therefore consult it regularly. The amended privacy policy will be published on our website.

1.4. This privacy policy is subject to Belgian law. Only the courts of Antwerp (Antwerp division(s)) have jurisdiction in the event of a dispute.

2. Who is responsible for the processing of your data?

We (Otomat). are the data controller. This means that we determine the purpose and means of the processing, and we are responsible for the lawful and correct processing of your data. The companies who process your data via the order platforms are also responsible for the processing of your data.

3. How can you contact us?

Legal form(s): BV

Company name: Otomat
Head office: Groenenborgerlaan 84 bus 6, 2610 Wilrijk
Company number: 0630 935 510
Hyperlink website:

4. What data do we process from you and how?

4.1. Otomat processes the following data:

Your personal identification data: name, first name, address, telephone number, e-mail address;
if you are a company: name of the company, registered office and company number;
your financial details: bank account number and/or other payment details;
electronic identification and localisation data when you visit our website: device data, browser, operating system, IP addresses, cookies, log file data, external websites that referred you, pages visited by you on the website (and date and time);
personal characteristics if required (e.g. for personalised tickets for orders): e.g. age, date of birth and gender.
4.2. Otomat may receive your data directly from you, e.g. because you deliver it when ordering online through the website, or indirectly through third parties (e.g. through the ordering platforms such as Deliveroo, Uber Eats and Deliverect with which we cooperate).

Otomat may receive and process your personal data in the framework of the agreement with you, when you place an order or request a delivery, when you contact Otomat for information (by phone, in writing or via the website) or via cookies on our website.

Otomat may also receive your information through third parties, e.g. order platforms (whether or not as processor on behalf of Otomat or Otomat affiliates).

5. Why and on the basis of what do we process your data?

5.1. Otomat processes your personal data for:

  • Customer management:

We process your personal information to contact you, process your requests, and provide you with information about our products (Otomat meals), our services, promotions, discounts, our website or other information relating to our business.

We also process your personal data to manage our customer files, execute and follow up orders, deliveries, pickups, payments, administration, invoicing and accounting.

We process your data for the execution of the agreement with you as a customer (i.e. the sale of our Otomat meals and/or other products to you online or via our pick-up points).

The processing of your data for these purposes is necessary for the preparation and execution of the contract.

If you do not provide us or the ordering platforms we work with with with certain information, such as your identification details or financial information, which we need in order to execute the contract, we will not be able to serve you, process your order(s) or fulfil it.

  • We may process your data to optimise sales and our products and services:

For example, Otomat may contact you to post a review on our website. We may do this based on our legitimate interests.

  • Direct marketing:

Your data may be used for direct marketing. This is to send you information through our newsletter or other means about our products and services or other information which might be of interest or use to you.

If you are a customer of ours, this may be based on our legitimate business interests. If you are not a customer of ours, we need your prior consent (e.g. by registering on our website). Your consent is free and can be withdrawn at any time.

  • To ensure the optimal functioning of our website:

When you visit or consult the website, we may process certain electronic data, such as cookies and IP address (see clause 4.1 above). Cookies facilitate the interaction between you as a visitor and our website and are used for the purpose of improving the user experience and collecting statistics from visitors to our website. Cookies also allow your personal settings and preferences to be stored or for images and sound to be played. Certain cookies may be placed by a third party, e.g. Google Analytics, to measure the use of our website.

  • Passing on to our partners, service providers (e.g. the delivery platforms such as Deliveroo, Uber Eats and Deliverect with whom we work), suppliers and/or other contracting parties of Otomat for the execution of the above points

  • To comply with applicable laws.

5.2. The processing of your data, whether on or via the website, is not subject to "automated individual decision-making" or profiling.

6. Who else receives or processes your data (besides Otomat)?

6.1. Your data is primarily processed by our partners, service providers or suppliers in the context of online sales of our products, such as the ordering platforms and delivery services (e.g. Deliveroo, Uber Eats and Deliverect) with whom we cooperate. Our web administrators, IT partners and network operators may also process your data in connection with your visit to and use of our website. We may also process your data in connection with payment services, marketing services or analytical services provided to Otomat.

6.2. Finally, other companies may process your data in connection with our business, such as our accountants, auditors, insurance brokers, insurers, legal advisors or other service providers.

6.3. We are not responsible for the processing of your data by third parties who do not act on behalf of Otomat but are responsible for their own processing (e.g. the ordering platforms we work with).

6.4. Otomat may be obliged to provide or process your data on the basis of a legal obligation and/or in response to a request from supervisory authorities or government agencies.

7. How long do we keep your information?

7.1. We will not keep your data any longer than necessary for the purposes as described above in article 5, unless special legal provisions apply to the storage or processing thereof.

8. What are your rights?

8.1. You have the right to information about the processing of your data. This is communicated to you via this privacy policy. You can also request us to provide you with additional information at any time.

8.2. You have the right to ask us to:

Inspection of your data.
To this end, you can obtain one copy of the requested information free of charge. If you request additional copies, we may charge you a reasonable fee as an administrative expense.
correction of your data (if necessary);
Removal of your personal data if:
the processing of those data is no longer necessary for the purpose(s) for which they were processed by us;
you have withdrawn a previously given permission;
you object to the processing by us;
the personal data would have been processed by us unlawfully;
this is necessary to comply with a legal obligation; or
the personal data would have been processed in connection with an offer of online services to children.
You have the right to obtain a restriction of processing if you:

dispute the accuracy of the data in our possession;
the processing is unlawful and you oppose the erasure of the personal data and instead request the restriction of its use;
we no longer need this data while you still need it for the establishment, exercise or substantiation of legal claims; or
pending resolution of the question as to whether Otomat's legitimate interests outweigh your interests or your privacy rights if you object to the processing on the basis of our legitimate interests.
8.3. You have the right to object to the processing of your data.

You can object at any time and free of charge to the processing of your data for direct marketing purposes. This can be done simply by letting us know via You can also do this through the mailings themselves (at the bottom of each mailing you will always find the option to unsubscribe). You will then no longer receive newsletters from us.

8.4. You have the right to transfer your data (to another data controller). This is only possible if the processing is based on your consent or if the processing is performed by automated processes.

8.5. If the processing of your personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

8.6. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority (rue de la Presse 35, 1000 Brussels - T: +32(0)2 274 48 00 - E: In case of a complaint, you can also contact Otomat yourself at

8.7. The exercise of your rights as set out above is at all times subject to the requirements and conditions set out in applicable legislation (such as the General Data Protection Regulation (the "GDPR")).

8.8. To exercise your rights, you can simply send a request to Otomat at []. In doing so, you must adequately identify yourself. If we have reason to doubt your identity, we may ask you for additional information to confirm your identity. Generally, we will request a copy of your identity card in order to verify who is actually making the request.

Questions? Feel free to contact us:

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