
Otomat Antwerp Mas

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opening hours

Sunday (and public holidays) - Thursday 12:00 - 22:00
Friday - Saturday 12:00 - 23:00

No booking required at Otomat!
Simply come over and we’ll find a nice table for you.
Advance bookings are only possible for groups of 8 or more.
Call us on 03 283 48 48 or send an e-mail to to make a booking for your group.

Always welcome at Otomat Antwerp!

You’ll find our very first Otomat at the foot of the MAS museum in Antwerp on "het Eilandje". We have been serving our ‘heavenly pizzas’ there since 2015. There’s plenty of seating, a central table for large groups and a gigantic terrace with a view of the MAS.

Our Margherita Classic Style wins a bronze medal

Great news: The Gazet van Antwerpen has voted our Margherita Classic Style one of the 3 best pizzas in Antwerp!

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