
Looking for an exciting job with lots of responsibility, but plenty of fun, too?
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Our mission

As a pizza restaurant with a different angle and a big chunk of ‘belgitude’, our daily task is to make sure that our customers enjoy the best moment of their day with us.

Otomat is the sum of everyone who is part of our team.

Your role

As the ‘side-kick’ of the restaurant manager, you will work together to ensure the restaurant operates smoothly, focusing on quality and the customer experience. This will include training the front-of-house team in the art of hospitality, working with your manager to recruit new colleagues, constantly motivating the team through your ability to sense who needs what at any given time – and then taking action accordingly. Your role will involve being out there among the tables, working between the team and your guests. And as part of your dual function, you will also take over the manager’s tasks when he or she is not there.

What we promise you

  • ‘We hire for attitude and train for skills’
  • Your team will be made up of people who have the same values and standards as you. We believe that you will be happiest at Otomat in the long run.
  • You will be part of a dynamic growth story where, in addition to on-the-job training, there is plenty of room to go on extra training courses that match your talents and ambitions. You can choose these courses and do them at a time that suits you. So you could call it a package tailored to your needs…

Your talents

  • Giving and receiving constructive feedback helps energise you. You view it as a daily opportunity to enrich yourself and your team with your knowledge and insights. You actively go looking for feedback and discuss it with your team.
  • You are good at listening to what the team has to say, which enables you to distinguish the really important from the less important so that you can get to the heart of the matter.
  • With a healthy dose of common sense and more than a sprinkling of logical thinking, you are able to guarantee quality and smooth operations in the restaurant.
  • You have an eye for what your team needs and demonstrate understanding for everyone and their unique background.
  • When things get really busy, you are able to step up a gear, keeping a clear overview of what is going on and setting priorities.
  • Your enthusiasm and open personality make you very approachable. You are naturally inquisitive and enjoy sharing your knowledge with the ‘newbies’ you train to become fully fledged ‘pizzatroopers’. - Having a big smile and a sense of humour are definitely a major plus point.


  • A full-time 38-hour contract
  • Gross / net overtime
  • Variable working hours
  • Correct pay, in line with PC 302 category 6
  • Start date to be arranged mutually
  • Address: Simon stevinplein 12, 8000 Bruges

Application procedur

  • Apply here and complete our values survey (15 min). That way we’ll know what makes you happy in a work environment and whether you are on the same wavelength as the team.
  • The manager will invite you to come so that he or she can listen to what you find important about your next challenge and also to explain our way of working.
  • Then come and join us for a day. There’s no better way of finding out whether you feel at home in the team and with Otomat.
  • Fill in a DISC survey. This will give us a clear picture of how you want to be treated and what your preferred style is.
  • And if we have a match… then let’s go!

Did you know...

  • That this job is often a springboard to a position as restaurant manager?
  • That OTOMAT operates an inclusive and diverse HR policy? All qualified applicants will be considered, without making any judgments about gender, sexual orientation, skin colour, religion, national origin, disability, age, etc.
  • That we think it’s OK to make mistakes? Because every mistake presents an opportunity to learn from it.

Ready to sink your teeth into this deliciously crunchy job?
Get in touch!


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